We compare both options for you to select the one that best suits your needs.

QR codes or RFID tags? Which one is right for you? The answer is very simple: it depends. Learn about each. Read on!


For example, suppose many goods need to be checked in and out of a warehouse. In that case, QR codes are often a not so efficient and time-consuming solution, as each item needs to be scanned. In these cases, the best solution is the RFID tag. With radio-frequency identification, items can be randomly located, even if it is a long distance away, even in harsh environments.


However, we are sure that department store companies are looking at this article, so we will show you why QR codes are the best option for you!

Find out which tool is best for you.

What are RFID tags?

It is a simple way to identify a product or object to be detected wirelessly and guarantee its traceability. They have a built-in chip to which the information deemed necessary in each case is added. They are printed and recorded with printers specifically designed for this purpose.


The industrial sector is the most common in using RFID as an ally since it provides great advantages such as data capture in procedures where it is impossible, or very costly, to do it manually. 


QR codes and RFID tags have a similar purpose and use. Still, an “active” RFID tag will constantly transmit information if you have a scanner nearby. In contrast, a QR code has to be re-scanned each time individually. The implementation costs of QR codes are usually very low compared to RFID. Still, considering the speed, accuracy, and scanning position for reading, QR codes are the option of choice.


6 reasons why QR codes are better than RFID tags

-It is simple to scan and read, while an RFID tag requires a special scanner to read and transmit it to a computer. QR Codes can be scanned with any smartphone.


-There is no limit to the scanning distance. While active RFID tags can be scanned from hundreds of meters away, QR Codes can be scanned from extremely far reaches, without the need for a battery to power them. 


-Choosing the QR code offers a low error rate, as RFID tags are based on radio wave technology, so if they are damaged in any way, are out of range of the scanner, or run out of battery power, they will stop working. 


-A QR code gives you the ability to customize it as you wish. RFID tags are not intended for marketing because they are basically metal chips placed in silicone.


-QR codes can be downloaded in 4 different image file formats (JPG, SVG, EPS, PNG).


-The QR code continues to win over RFID tags as it offers the possibility of editing and tracking. While certain types of RFID tags can be edited, the process is difficult and requires complex updates to the device itself. But if you need to edit a QR Code, all you have to do is update it from the account where you generated the code.


Although RFID tags have greater functionality and connectivity, QR codes are often much more practical. They are also cheaper, as they are easier to print

QR codes are more beneficial than RFID tags.